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Coaching On Your Time: What I Learned When I Tried "Time-Delayed Coaching"

Apr 24, 2023

Have you ever just needed quick encouragement or a sanity check? 🙋‍♀️(Me too - every day 😂). But sometimes your coach or bestie isn’t around or you don’t have an appointment scheduled immediately but you could really use some help right now!

So, recently, I decided to try out a new-to-me way of coaching called “asynchronous coaching" to help solve this client challenge. Asynchronous coaching is a form of coaching that takes place outside of real-time, with the communication between coach and client occurring at different times, and it’s also called “time-delayed coaching.” This means that the coach and client do not need to be available for a live conversation, and instead, can communicate through text messages, emails, messaging apps or online platforms.  communication.

Asynchronous coaching, also known as "time-delayed coaching," involves providing coaching feedback, guidance, and support through written communication such as emails, messaging apps, or online platforms. 

I tried out this approach using a free app called Voxer. It is used by many coaches and I wanted to see if it could be a viable option to offer my coaching clients. I really was not sure if I would like it - after all - I love the face-to-face (albeit via Zoom) interaction of seeing my clients, catching their nuances, and having dedicated time with them. But let’s be real, sometimes you need something a little different, and we don’t always have time to squeeze in an hour long Zoom session in our week in addition to everything else we’re doing.

I loved the experience with Voxer - here are some of the benefits I found with this approach.

  1. Flexibility: Asynchronous coaching allows clients to access coaching services at their convenience, without having to schedule a specific time for a live coaching session. Clients can communicate with their coach on their own time and at their own pace, which can be especially helpful for busy professionals or individuals in different time zones.
  2. Reflection and Clarity: Asynchronous coaching allows clients to take time to reflect on their thoughts and feelings before responding to their coach. This can help clients gain clarity on their goals and aspirations, identify obstacles and challenges, and articulate their thoughts and feelings more clearly.
  3. Increased Accountability: Asynchronous coaching helps clients stay accountable to their goals by providing ongoing support and feedback. Clients can check-in with their coach regularly and receive feedback on their progress, which can help them stay motivated and focused. 
  4. Enhanced Privacy: Asynchronous coaching provides a level of privacy and confidentiality that may be difficult to achieve in a live coaching session. Clients can communicate with their coach without worrying about being overheard or interrupted, which can help them feel more comfortable sharing personal or sensitive information.
  5. Cost-Effective: Asynchronous coaching may be a cost-effective option for clients who may not be able to afford regular live coaching sessions. Clients can receive ongoing support and guidance from their coach without having to pay for in-person coaching sessions.

Overall, asynchronous coaching can be a highly effective coaching approach that offers numerous benefits for those seeking personal and professional development. In fact, my experience with Voxer has led me to begin to integrate asynchronous coaching into my work with my clients. 

If you’re curious to learn more about how I can help you as your coach, I’d love to talk with you more! You can always book a free clarity call here.


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