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Do Something Different

burnout coaching personal leadership wellbeing Nov 10, 2023

I was talking with a client recently. Super ambitious, super smart, super successful.

And super burned out.

Not only that, her health is starting to suffer.

Yet…she feels like she can’t take time off…she doesn’t know who she is without her accomplishments or when she’s not as ambitious in her career…but she knows there is a whisper of something else for her.

I wish I could say this was uncommon. But it's not. I am talking to so many female leaders right now who feel this same urge for something more and yet unsure how to navigate this time in their lives without burning all the bridges down. And I know it's not just the women. While research shows women are feeling more burned out than others, men and those who identify as other genders are all feeling it. 

For this client, though, we met at a perfect time…this is when you need a coach…when you’re not sure where to go next or how to navigate the unknown.

When you need support to boldly do something different - whether it’s embrace your own needs and take care of those, or shift your career, or make any big change.

When you need someone to hold space for you so you can work it through to find the best solution for you, then try out options and experiment with solutions, and learn from that.

I’m proud to say this client is making strides. With customized exercises, with sacred space, with conversation designed to bring out her own wisdom and solutions. I know she will come out stronger, more aligned to who she is, and happier with her life not because I’ve told her the answers, but because she will have discovered or rediscovered her own answers.

This is what coaching is. And I am incredibly privileged to do this work where I can bear witness to the messy middle and help people find their own answers and rediscover or build a life they love.

If you’re looking for someone to help you on your journey, or just want to see if coaching could help you, reach out anytime.


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