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Have You Tried Time Blocking?

Feb 12, 2024

Is time blocking worth it?

As part of an effort to focus on key programs and goals at the start of this year, I decided to try time blocking. I knew I needed some focused time to accomplish some goals, and I knew I wanted to make sure I was intentional in how I spend my time, and NOT spend all my time working. So, I decided to try the time management technique of time blocking.


First, what is time blocking?

In case you're unfamiliar with this technique, it involves scheduling specific blocks of time for different tasks or activities. Instead of managing your day in a reactive manner, you proactively allocate dedicated time slots for focused work, meetings, or personal tasks.

Read below on what I’ve learned in two months of intentionally blocking my time. And in case you’re wondering, I use the Full Focus Planner to help me put this all down on paper (yes, actual paper!) and I connect that with all my electronic calendars and task managers too. You can check out this planner here. (Disclaimer: I receive a small commission if you buy anything following these links but all opinions are my own).


The Changes I Made for 2024

First a recap, here’s some of the big changes I made:

  • No meeting Mondays
  • Flexible Fridays
  • Holding space for networking and business development and deep work
  • A dedicated fun day once a month 


No Meeting Mondays are a revelation! I love having a work day to start my week off well. It allows me to ease into the week, which works well for my natural rhythms. It also allows me to take care of necessary admin tasks, batch write my content, connect to my weekly priorities, and in the afternoon, usually I am working on some deep work - whether it’s building the coaching program I’m working to launch or working on client work. I end the day feeling accomplished, focused, and ready for the week.

Flexible Fridays - I also work to keep these as “meeting free” as much as possible. But it’s not always possible. This is the day where I finish up my week - the tasks that have not been gotten to that were my priorities, business development/ follow up, planning and prep for the upcoming week. If I’ve been traveling for a client, it is often also the day I am just moving at a slower pace - again, honoring my natural rhythms and needs. Catching up, doing laundry, etc. I also try to do chores and errands on Fridays - mixed in with the wrap up of the week to leave my weekends a little more open and flexible. I find that I love ending my weeks this way - it allows me to have a little flexibility for what comes up during the week, and I try to find someone for lunch on Fridays too - I want to foster my connections with friends and colleagues too. 


Holding Space - At the beginning of the year, I really looked at what was important to me as I’m growing my business this year, and how I want to be as a person, and how I align all that to my values. So I’ve held space on my calendar, through time blocking, for the following things:

  • Weekly Reflection & Planning
  • Quarterly Reflection & Planning
  • Morning and evening rituals
  • Deep Work (work that requires thought, focus, and creativity)
  • Networking & Business Development
  • Fun!


One Fun Day a Month! Do you have this problem too where you’re so serious about your work you have to build in actual fun? I mean, work can be fun if you’re doing it right, but I need a little actual fun that has nothing to do with work too. I’m also flexible about how this happens - time with family and friends (if it’s the right family & friends) can be my fun day. I also have decided I have to actually DO something. Whether it’s a day trip, exploring my own town, going for a wine tasting, trying something new, going to a movie - doesn’t have to be big - but has to be fun and a little more active than me just sitting around my house. So I have blocked this one day a month - it is usually on one of my Flexible Fridays, but again, I work with the needs I have and what works for others too if I’m inviting someone along on my Fun Day.


What I’ve Learned

It is SO worth it. In just two months, I feel more accomplished than I did all last quarter.

Do I stick to it 100% of the time? No of course not. I'm only human. And life happens.

But with this intentionality, intentionality, focus, planning, and sticking to it, I am feeling way more balanced, aligned to who I am, and generally happier in my journey.

I’ve committed to doing this every quarter as part of my quarterly planning. And I’m flexible enough to shift the time blocks quarter to quarter based on my quarterly goals, and what’s coming down the pike.

After all, let your systems support you!


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