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Nurture Your Network

Jun 14, 2023
Networking with women entrepreneurs

Confession: I am a total introvert. Now for those of you who don’t know what an introvert is - essentially it has nothing to do with how outgoing I am or anything like that - but it has everything to do with how much energy I have, and how I recharge when I have extended that energy. So for me as an introvert, I can definitely do networking, and do the small talk thing (though it is not my favorite, but I can do it), and it often surprises people that I am an introvert - some might call it an “outgoing introvert” but if I facilitate a workshop or do a presentation or network, I crash after that. I don’t want to talk to anyone - I just want to be by myself or take a nap, or whatever it may be. 


And, this time right now is a time where I am extra exhausted emotionally, and so all of this just takes a little more effort. Last night, though, I was reminded of the power of community, of meeting new people, of connecting, and just of the power of women helping women as well. Last year, I joined a group coaching program for aspiring entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs to help me get the structure and support I needed to keep me on my entrepreneurial journey. Since then, I’ve become a mentor in that program and have the great privilege of helping others in their journey as well.


I was meeting with a client right before this event, which was a great conversation, but also took some energy, and I was really thinking about not going to the event. I do have some anxiety when I meet new people, so the way I cope with that or mitigate that anxiety is just to say - okay - if I don’t go, will I regret it? If the answer is yes, then I go. If I remember the reasons I’m going and why those reasons are more important to me than the discomfort of meeting new people, then I usually go. (And I give myself grace too when needed if I make the decision to not go as well.) 


Last night, I went to this amazing event started by a woman who really just wanted to connect with other professional and entrepreneurial women - it was organic, fun, and amazing, and it was done with such a generous spirit. And what a great end to the day because I also got to co-work yesterday at Starbucks with two other entrepreneurs from that same coaching program (you can see us in the above picture - from L to R: Katie Lewis (, Lindsay Harris ( and me).


It was truly one of the most lovely networking experiences I’ve been to - women who’ve met each other before, or who were invited for the first time by someone they already knew in the group (like me), and just getting to know each other and our businesses. So much fun to have great robust conversations, to practice pitches in a safe environment, and for me, to be the recipient of so much kindness - of people having confidence that what I’m doing is worth it, that it will be worth it, and even through this grief process of losing a job, that I will definitely end up in a better place in the future.


Sometimes, we need these lights on our path to guide us - to show us that way. And I’m truly grateful for it. And hope I can be a light for others as well. The power of community that shows up for each other - that is generous - that supports you - is that all of us succeed together. No one left behind - supporting through tough situations and celebrating the successes and the things we’ve overcome too. What a gift when you find a community like that.


So, as an introvert, I am grateful for those who invite me into their circles, who allow me to join, who are generous with me. And I’m grateful when I come home to have a moment to crash as well.😆


I’m proud that I’m building new connections in my network, new networking pathways, and grateful for the ones over the years too that have been supportive along the way. And it’s a great reminder that community is an active thing, that there is great power in your community, and that sometimes you just need to reach out and ask for help. There are people willing to help you and it’s really lovely to not be on the journey alone when you have the right people around you. So nurture that network that supports you through the ups and downs. And don't forget to give back to that network as well when you're able. 



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