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All In and "Scared-cited" Every Day

Jul 27, 2023

So, it’s been 8 weeks since I was laid off. I knew almost from the time the event happened that I wanted to go all-in on my consulting business - but I had to actually choose to do it. Let me explain.


A couple weeks after my job ended, I was taking interviews. Every recruiter invite that popped up on LinkedIn, I was jumping on. Because I have always taken an interview. I believe that you choose to stay as much as you choose to leave a company and I always have found it to be a good practice to take interviews and to keep my skills sharp. 


But here’s what I also noticed. This decision that I thought I had made - to go all in on my own company - it felt like I was hedging my bets - that I was still not quite sure. And I realized - I needed to actively choose to go all in. By not actively choosing that - I was confused, adding more “mind drama” to an already challenging time. And I was adding a ton of distraction to my day which was taking time away from what I thought I had decided to do (but clearly hadn’t fully committed to yet).


Here’s what happens when you’re distracted like this (or at least for me):

  • Recruiter reaches out to talk to you about a job
  • They give very few details about the job, but maybe enough to go hunting through LinkedIn and company websites to figure out more about the job they’re talking about so that you can be somewhat prepared for the 30 minute conversation that you will go back and forth with them to schedule
  • Then you have to give them information and maybe you re-do a cover letter
  • Then because you looked at one job, all the algorithms start feeding you more jobs which distracts you further
  • Then you work to prep for the 30 minute interview - writing your questions, preparing your elevator speech, etc.
  • Then you have the interview and maybe they take you further - and the whole time I’m thinking - do I really want this?????


And I realized that this was happening and realized I needed to make a change. I needed to not just decide to go all in - but to commit to it. And because I’m a grown up who has to pay bills, I put a timeline on it - All In for 6 Months. By then, I need to be able to have revenue in excess of expenses and be able to pay my bills - enough to keep it going. 


So, I’ve spent the last couple of weeks in a very interesting place. When people ask me how I am after a layoff and as I officially launch a new business - I have one word in mind “Scared-cited”. I spend my days being equally terrified of taking this leap of committing to my own business and excited beyond words and exhilarated to be doing it. And some days it’s not always equal. Some days I am completely scared. Other days I am completely excited.


And it’s made me think a lot about going all-in, being fully committed to something. I’ve made a conscious decision to go all-in, to not be distracted by the additional opportunities that could be out there or that I could do for now. 


Commitment also means that I am taking consistent action to be all in. It means I am staying focused on this one wildly important goal as my friend Jim Huling coined in his book The Four Disciplines of Execution. It means I track my metrics, I focus on things being done and good enough even if they’re not perfect. I set goals weekly, I learn things I need to learn in order to get better at this, and it means I am scared-cited ALL. THE. TIME. But I am also calmer. Because I know what I’m doing and focused on. I am choosing to believe that I can do this - and that some days I do it scared. And hoping and working for an opportunity to be ALL IN for another six months after the first six months. 


What I do know, too, is that I would regret not giving this a full-on shot. I would regret it if I didn’t follow through on this hard work I’ve put in. I would regret it if I quit on myself.


So. All In. Fully Committed. LET’S GO!!!


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