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Leaders: Start with Kindness

leadership Oct 27, 2023

Sometimes, dear reader, the muses don’t like to play in a week. Such has been the case this week. I continue to struggle with “the gunk”, and between trying to get some rest, and also work with clients, I don’t have much for this post this week.

So, here are just a few thoughts. First, one of the benefits of what I get to do is that sometimes during a week, I will get to see my nieces and nephews. This is one of those weeks. As I was pondering what to write this week, I asked my 7 year old nephew what makes someone a good leader - if they lead things. And he said, “They need to be kind.”

Pair that with me coaching a client this week who is super successful, super ambitious and also super burned out. What that client needs is not just kindness to others but kindness to herself as well. 

Finally, in my last little vignette, I’m working with a client who will be bringing back some employees after a particularly difficult business decision they had to make. We talked about the need to reset as a team, to refocus, and to reconnect and to recognize. And it reminds me that sometimes the most powerful way a leader can lead is to be human first. To not ignore the hardship or the heartache, but to lead with compassion and kindness.

As we come into the end of October (which is still hard to believe), I am reminded that, at least in Virginia, we are seeing some of the strongest bursts of color right now, signifying that the end of fall is near. Another transition for the year as we shift more into holiday mode with Halloween and Thanksgiving just around the corner. Which can also be a highly stressful time for folks, whether it’s good stress or tough stress, it’s still stress. So, just a gentle reminder to be kind to yourself, reconnect with your team in meaningful ways, and don’t forget to lead with a little compassion too. As a leader, you make more of an impact than a person’s physician on your people. What kind of impact will you make?


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